I usually only skate longboards so this cruiser surf skate was definitely out of my realm. I used to skate regular skateboards for 20 plus years but after getting old I've slowed down on tricks and just focus on cruising, pumping, carving, and sliding. I usually do runs up to 65ish mph on my downhill setups, this by no means is stable past 25mph but man it is completely stable and fine up into that speed. No speed wobbles at all just gets a little too snappy at that speed to be safe. You need some skill to be able to start from a complete stop but it is possible to do on this surf skate like other surf skates. I love having the two different wheel base options up front, the shorter base is great for switching back at freak speeds and snapping back and forth and the longer wheel base is perfect for cruising and some higher speed light down hill runs. I got the butter because it was the medium sized surf skate. I am 6 foot 3 and weigh about 220lbs and if it were any smaller of a wheel base it just wouldn't be the right size for me. If you're 6 foot or taller go for the butter if you're under 6 foot the pocket knife is probably the better option. In total I have 11 boards out of those 11 6 are landyachtz. The landyachtz in my quiver are all my top go to boards compared to my gravity's, db's, rayne's and a blank. I am seriously hoping the sale stays to the end of the year so I can get my wife a pocket knife for her quiver!!!! After getting the butter I have come to realize I need more cruiseresk boards in my selection and have now been chasing that dragon as well as my longboards. I'd suggest replacing the bearings with something else. I threw some big balls on it after a day of riding the Spaceballs and though the Spaceballs are good I feel that they are the only thing from landyachtz that may need an update on quality control because the reds big balls I put in are a huge upgrade over stock bearings. I cannot think of one thing that this board needs different and that is the reason I skate LY. Thank you to the landyachtz crew for again exceeding my expectations yet again!