Many small towns have gone through the struggle of getting a skatepark and usually they are able to get something built for the local kids to enjoy. But not all small towns are nearly as isolated as the Ahousaht First Nations Community. Since you can’t get there by car you’ve got to take two separate ferries to make it to the remote village. With a population of roughly 900 people (40% under the age of 19) building a skatepark wasn’t a high priority for them; neither was it something that was financially achievable.
Flash forward a few years, we launched a successful Indiegogo, partnered with other skate groups and the New Line Skateparks company and have managed to make this dream a reality. The Ahousaht community is now home to a brand new concrete skatepark right on the beach.
Earlier this year we got to pay a visit to this skatepark to install some benches, drop off boards for the locals, and test out the new facilities. The local kids are beyond stoked to have this awesome skatepark right in their back yard. Their eagerness to learn tricks and develop their skills is inspiring. We hope to make it back out to Ahousaht to get in another session at the park and spend time with some of the most stoked skaters we’ve ever met.
Huge thanks to all the people that helped make this happen! We are thrilled with the finished project and we know the Ahousaht community is too.