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By team rider and Landyachtz employee Lucas Greenough

This route is great if you’re looking for something with a destination, that caters to a wide variety of skill levels. It follows Barnet Highway from Burnaby to Port Moody, which allows riders to skip any segments they don’t feel like riding. The whole thing features a lot of punchy climbs and descents, that make for an entertaining ride to the Port Moody breweries. This one’s a classic

For this ride, you’ll start off as most rides do, with a ride east along wall street and onto the Trans Canada Trail at the Iron Workers Bridge. Here you’ll jump on your first section of gravel following the Trans Canada Trail. As the route trends East through North Burnaby the trail is relatively flat with a minimal number of technical features. This most notable thing to keep an eye out for during this section is pedestrians; as it can see a high volume at times. Once you exit this section of trail, you’ll weave your way through Kensington Square, this is a good place to stop if you need to grab about snacks or use the washroom. 

You’ll make your way from the Kensington Square and onto Barnet Highway for a short stint. The next trail head is on the left side of the road, and you’ll need to make your way there from the bike lane on the far-right side and this can be a bit tricky when traffic is flowing. This will get you onto Drummonds Walk, a short but fun gravel descent that ends at the Harry Jerome Sports Centre. As you cross the highway, you’ll start the climb up behind the sports centre. The trail is a generous single track that’s got a gentle roller coaster feel; nothing too technical. It tends to hold water and is usually muddy if it’s rained recently. The last portion of this section has a very steep and chunky descent as you pop out at the Mountain Air Skills Park. Definitely watch your speed on your way down, there are some big rocks on the trail that would hurt to land on.  

The next section spans from the skills park to the Suncor Terminal, on a well-maintained service road. The only thing notable about this section is that towards the end you’ll join up with Cougar Creek Trail, and it has a short, steep little descent.  

At Suncor you’ll cross the road and head into, what might be, the best section of the ride. The trail here seems to go by a few names: The Trans Canada trailThe Great Trail or The Pacific Coast Terminal Trail. Whatever you call it, it’s an awesome section of single that rolls along the water towards the Reed Point Marina; nothing too technical, but not boring either.  

The final section of trail from the marina to Port Moody, starts with another steep, loose descent that leads into more amazing single track. Keep an eye out for hidden roots and rocks, they blend it well and can easily cause a flat tire. In the spring time, when the plants are growing wild, some portions of the trail will have thorn bushes along the sides and getting hit in the arm by one of them isn’t fun at all.  

After a short spin on the road, you’ll reach your destination, Rocky Point Park and all the wonderful breweries close by. This a great spot to enjoy a couple afternoon beers and split up the ride.  

Since this route is an out and back, you’ll just retrace your steps on the way home. An added bonus if you are tight on time or low on energy, is the ability to ride the road along Barnet Highway instead of the gravel. Although all of those steep descents offer some good climbing challenges on the way home.

Ride Summary


46 Km


830 m

Est. Moving Time:

4 Hrs


3 Burritos



4 Coffees


Ride Highlights